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Locating Your Wealth Corners on Faces and Houses Seminar in Jakarta, Indonesia

Our special 2018 Cai Wei program or also known as Wealth Sectors Class for Novices is so popular that we have brought it to Jakarta and share it with our new students there.

During the one day seminar, we have also included a very interesting topic on building your Wealth via Face Reading which is conducted by our academy’s Indonesian trainer, Mr Suntoro.

Besides understanding the important principles of what are good urban feng shui features that will usher good wealth and health to you, and what are the terribly harmful feng shui sha qi outside and within your house, students were taught how to locate the wealth sectors on their house floor plan based on the Qing Dynasty’s Xuan Kong Vibrant and Prosper concept.

With guidance from Master Jo CHING, the students learned what items can be used to activate the wealth corners and how to also trigger Romance and Study sectors.

The class was so intrigued and enthusiastic to learn more about Feng Shui and Face reading and eventually we have to add another hour to answer many questions and debunk many myths which were beyond the scope of this program.

To conclude, we were so happy that every one walked away with great satisfaction, powerful new knowledge and smiley face.