Wedding Date Selection

Wedding Date Selection

Congratulations! The journey of your blissful marriage begins here.

The purpose of date selection is for the person who is carrying out certain activity to do the right thing at the right place at the right time (天时地利人和). It is important if we want to maximize the benefits and enjoy the long lasting effects of important activities such as wedding tea ceremony and signing the marriage certificate or fondly known as ROM here in Singapore.

The Tong Shu (通书) or Chinese Almanac is only meant for very general usage. A really good date for wedding activity should be personalized to the person(s) who are involved in the activity. This will ensure that the presence of the energy during that time has a positive influence on the couple’s marriage, their children as well as their relationship with the in-laws.

Master Jo Ching, an expert in auspicious date selection systems, has been interviewed by Straits Time Razor TV and Lian He Wan Bao on many occasions to seek his advice and views on wedding dates such as the significance of the date 11.11.11. While such date is a very memorable one, it may not be suitable for people who are born in the year of specific animal sign.
If you are now planning to tie the knot with your loved one now and need a super auspicious date and time for your wedding event, do email our Master now at academy@destinyasia.com.sg.

Please see the following flow chart on the procedure.

Wedding Date Selection