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2021 Forecast for Ten Heavenly Stems – A QMDJ Perspective

Article contributed by Master Anna (PhD) – our academy’s QMDJ Divination & Destiny Oracle Teacher.

The Year of the Metal Ox Forecast for Ten Heavenly Stems
This forecast is based on Qi Men Dun Jia annual chart system. It is the system where Heavenly Stems have a special importance. Hence, we are looking at the yearly stem which you are born with.


To find out which yearly stem you belong to, please look it up in the table below:


Stem Year of Birth (born after 4th of February)

甲 1944 1954 1964 1974 1984 1994 2004 2014

乙 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015

丙 1946 1956 1966 1976 1986 1996 2006 2016

丁 1947 1957 1967 1977 1987 1997 2007 2017

戊 1948 1958 1968 1978 1988 1998 2008 2018

己 1949 1959 1969 1979 1989 1999 2009 2019

庚 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

辛 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021

壬 1952 1962 1972 1982 1992 2002 2012 2022

癸 1953 1963 1973 1983 1993 2003 2013 2023


Now that you have found your stem, let us see what the year of the Metal Ox 辛丑 (Xin Chou) has in store for you.


甲 Jia


You like being in a driver’s seat but imagine, this year you are a passenger in a driverless car. Instead of interfering in a process, sit back and enjoy the ride. It is time to take a new direction


If you encounter obstacles, slow down instead of pushing on. Trust your heart in making important decisions. It is a healthy process of transformation which turns your orderly life into chaos, but how else you could demonstrate your ability to manage difficult situations? Your wealth luck could be unstable this year, so try to avoid risky investments, lending and gambling.


Your health may need extra attention, especially if you have pre-existing heart and blood related conditions.


乙 Yi


Expect the unexpected and toughen up. If you know how to be soft and strong at the same time, there is nothing for you to worry about.


Avoid taking legal action or getting into conflict with your boss or a spouse. Even slightest breach of the law may result in penalty, so try to keep at bay your creative approach to following the rules.


To enhance your financial luck, you may consider buying gold jewelry, copper objects, or a new car.


The Tiger deity indicates that you need to be extra careful to prevent injuries this year.


丙 Bing


The year of the Metal Ox paves the way for your future. Have you been thinking of enrolling in a course? Have you been looking for a job? Would you like to get married? Everything is within your reach now.


The Emperor Seal Nobleman will help you to increase in status. It is the year of smooth sailing in your career. The Romance Star will enhance your love luck. For married people enjoying love luck could be a bit trickier.


Although you will have opportunities to prosper, taking financial risks should be avoided. Beware of scammers.


丁 Ding


They say one should not put all the eggs in one basket. This year, this is precisely what you need to do. The basket of your career luck is full of potential and you may safely invest more time into bringing it to the next level. The love luck basket is, unfortunately, empty for now, so might as well focus on what has more potential.


Your professional efforts will be financially rewarded, as the quality of your services or products improve. This is especially true for people in beauty industry, advertising, visual arts, graphic design, etc.


If you were trying to establish business partnership, things may go slower than expected. You may need to be more patient and observant. Listening more, talking less is always a winning strategy.


戊 Wu


This year you may discover the new Self. Even though you could be someone who needs the hard proof for everything, your interest in all things unconventional will take you into a new, more exciting dimension. This interest is not accidental, as you are now ready to expand your horizons. Philosophy, astrology, Feng Shui, divination or herbalism, check them out in order to find your passion.


You can achieve a lot this year, providing you are prepared to demonstrate strength and ingenuity. Things could get challenging, but everything is within your reach for as long as you are relying on yourself. Working in partnership could create further obstacles.


To boost financial luck, try to utilize existing resources. You may have more assets than you realize. Purchasing a new property or updating your furniture could also be beneficial.


己 Ji


Your annual luck package includes many blessings, but they are mixed.


Helpful people will be there to assist. They could contribute into your long-term prosperity. Ladies can expect support from their bosses and husbands. At the same time, you may experience restrictions or unexpected setbacks. Having ‘Plan B’ could help you to avoid inauspicious events.


If you are a service provider, there will be a smooth sailing. You will be attracting good quality customers who will appreciate what you do. To boost your financial luck, you may consider investing in antiques or collectables.


There will be an opportunity to revise your long-term goals. This could help you to streamline your working processes.


This year you need to pay more attention to your health and safety.


庚 Geng


If you are an academic or a researcher, this year you have an opportunity to take a pause and to focus on what you love to do most. Your efforts will translate into increase in status and financial gains. You may become a leader in your field if you show the initiative and creative approach.


Taking further research or studying (including long distance courses) could contribute into your future financial success. Make sure you follow ‘the protocol’, as bending the rules is not the luxury you can afford this year.


At the same time, it is important to give more attention to your health, especially if you have heart or blood related issues. This is a perfect time to make peace with your siblings, so that your family relationship is harmonious.


辛 Xin


You like being in a driver’s seat but imagine, this year you are a passenger in a driverless car. Instead of interfering in a process, sit back and enjoy the ride. Where to? Nobody knows, but it is new and exciting place for sure. The change of direction is due.


If you encounter obstacles, slow down instead of pushing on. Trust your heart in making important decisions. It is a healthy process of transformation which turns your orderly life into chaos, but how else you could show your unsurpassed ability to manage difficult situations?


Your wealth luck could be unstable this year, so try to avoid risky investments, lending to your relatives or gambling.


Your health may need extra attention, especially if you have pre-existing heart and blood related conditions.


壬 Ren


There will be many opportunities to prosper for medical professionals, people in funeral services and the farmers. For people in power, there will be further increase in status. For other professions, this year could be slower than usual, and if you are in customer service, expect dealing with customers’ complaints.


You may discover psychic abilities or an interest in studying religion, occult arts or metaphysics. If you were thinking of taking a course in Feng Shui, the Tai Ji Nobleman will support you. Even though learning may require lots of focus, the Academic Hall Star will enable you to absorb the information fast.


Meditation or spiritual practice could assist you in overcoming emotional situations this year. Try to avoid stressful experiences whenever possible.


The elderly members of the family may need extra care and attention.


Beware of scammers when making major purchases.


癸 Gui


This is a productive year for people in distribution and production of food and beverages. For people working in other industries at the top end of the market, this is also a good year. The lower end of the market will benefit less from the Year Wealth Star.


Avoid taking risks for achieving your goals, but being creative, bold and brave will pay off.


Legal proceedings should be avoided this year. It is better to postpone travelling and relocation.


Invasive medical treatment may leave the scars.


Be particularly careful with the quality of your food and drinks, to prevent food poisoning.


As we can see, not everybody is going to have a smooth ride.


If we go back to basics, we may discover that we have more than we need. In a way, this is liberating. Now we can go to where we want to be.


Wishing everybody to have a healthy and prosperous year ahead.

Gong Xi Fa Cai!